Monday, May 12, 2008

Western Australia's Economy

Western Australia's economy is leading the nation. We export vast amounts of minerals and natural resources over seas to be turned into goods and services.

Western Australia's biggest export is iron ore. We mine iron ore and send overseas to china, where it is used to produce steel. Mining is accredited with 14% of W.A's GDP. Western Australia's produces 20%of the worlds Alumina, which is used in Aluminium. 15% of the worlds Iron ore. 75% of Australia's 240 tonnes of gold. tourism also contributes to our GSP. With tourists coming from the , U.K, Japan, Ireland, Singapore and Malaysia.

The Pilbara region of W.A produces Iron ore, Petroleum, Natural Gas.

The Kimberly Region produces: Pearls, Diamonds, Oil, Gas, Zinc, Lead, Beef and Tourism.

The South west region producers: Alumina, Mineral sands, Agriculture, Viticulture, Timber and Tourism contribute to the economy.

The Goldfields produces: Gold, Nickel, Fishing, Wheat, Barley, Fertilizer.

The strengths of our economy include, Good ties with China, High prices for our exports, and Low Inflation. Our main weakness is probably our dependence on other economies, because we export so much of our resources.