In 1893 the young Churchill was enrolled at the Royal Military Academy, and graduated 2 years later. Like all children of the Aristocracy, he was sent to school away from home and saw little of his family. He was rarely visited by his mother who was known as the Lady Randolph, and he begged her to visit or let him go home. He had a long distance relationship with his father but they hardly ever spoke. With a lack of parental contact he had a close relationship with his nanny. His father died young in 1895, with the prospect of Churchill dying young as well, he was determined to make his mark on the world.
After his graduation he was commissioned as a second Lieutenant in the 4th Queens Own Hussars, on the 20th of February 1895. In 1941 he was created the Colonel of the Hussars. He spent his time serving as an officer by writing articles and journals for newspapers in London. His journals from the Boer war and his escape from a POW camp earned him a considerable sum.
Churchill was the First Lord of the Admiralty during the start of the First World War but was asked to leave by the cabinet after he was blamed for the disastrous Gallipoli campaign. He was the MP for the electoral seat of Oldham and also Manchester North West where he was promoted to President of the Board of Trade. He was given the position of Chancellor of the Exchequer. In May 1940, he was elected as PM and was the minister of defence as well. He held these posts until 1945. He re-took premiership in the Conservative victory of 1951 and resigned in 1955. He remained in parliament until 1964, when he retired.
Winston Churchill received countless honours; in 1953 Queen Elizabeth II invested Churchill into the most ancient and noble Order of the Garter(knight); President John F Kennedy made him an honouree citizen of the united states; Plans were also made for Sir Churchill to be cre
ated a duke( most PM's when retired are created Earls, it would have been a great honour, considering Dukedoms are usually reserved for royalty.) but he refused so his son could run for parliament, as a commoner, not a lord when he passed away. Churchill received the noble prize for his literature prowess.

Winston Churchill is mostly remembered for his leadership and inspiration to his nation during the turmoils of WWII. Whilst London was bombed and people were dying, he was able to maintain a sense of hope and unity. He was an excellent orator, his speeches are some of the most inspirational written and are still quoted today.
In June 1944, the allied forces invaded Normandy and pushed the Nazi's back into Germany. It was announced later that May 8 would be Victory in Europe Day. On VE day a broadcast was made by Churchill announcing the war was over, and a seize fire would come into effect at midnight.Afterwards Churchill told a huge crowd in Whitehall: "This is your victory." The people shouted: "No, it is yours", and Churchill then conducted them in the singing of the "Land of Hope and Glory".
Churchill grew up in a palace, in the lap of luxury. He was a member of the elite, the aristocratic lifestyle
which he was raised in would have an impact on his beliefs. Emotions such as loyalty, duty to ones nation, respect, tradition would have been some of them. He came from one of the most well known families in Britain, with a long line of politicians and military officers. The first duke of Marlborough was a British war hero in the 18th century. This may have influenced his choice of careers. Churchill strongly apposed India's bid for Independence, he believed a colonial rule of India was the best for Britain and India. When he grew up the British Empire controlled a large proportion of the 'New World' such as Africa, Asia and Australia. His nation's men had died protecting it and keeping it whole. He fought in the Boer War protecting England's interests in Africa. These may have influenced his strong beliefs that India should remain colonised.

Churchill passed away on the 24 January 1965. He was given a state funeral which saw the largest assembly of statesman until Pope John Paul II's funeral. His legacy is still felt today. If he had given up and surrendered to Nazi Germany in the second world war, the world would be a very different place. We know he did not, he stood up for the belief that the world would be better without Nazi rule. He inspired the British people during the blitz, when bombs were falling he was out and speaking to the public. He has had a lasting effect on society. In 2002 he was voted as the greatest Britain of them all, voted for by a very thank full British public.
Churchill Speeches.
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