Suspect Profile:
Dr Francis Tublety
Francis Tublety was born in 1830 in

Francis Tumblety was a perfectly sane man, he had a real habit of using different aliases. One of his aliases had him arrested in America, regarding the plot to assassinate president Lincoln. He was known to enjoy the company of other men over women, refusing to invite the fairer sex to any of his parties.
Relation to murders
Francis Tumblety was in London during the times of the murders, having travelled there before he may have had local knowledge of the area. He was known to have a deep hatred of prostitutes, owing to the fact he had married one unknowingly. Tumblety even had a collection
of female wombs, which he showed to guests every so often. He has no relation to any of the victims but we can not be sure if he knew them or not.
During the time of the ripper murders forensic techniques were few and far between. It was almost impossible to prove some one was a murderer unless they confessed or were caught in the act.
Leading surgeons at the time of the murders all concluded that some anatomical knowledge would be necessary in order to remove organs from the body in the poor light. Francis Tumblety spent some time in Rochester training with a doctor. It is my believe he would have had sufficient anatomical knowledge.
The murders were committed all over the east end of London. Some local knowledge of the area would have been needed to get around in the dark. Francis Tumblety had travelled to London on different occasions before. he may have had enough know how to get around unhindered.
The Ripper letters were supposedly written by the murderer and then sent to the media. A person who had access to stationary and the education to write could have written these letters. Dr Tumblety could do both. In the letters many Americanisms became apparent to investigators at the time. As we know Tumblety was an American.
Tumblety made a fortune posing as an Indian herb doctor. Tmoney would have enalbed him to travel, and to change clothes if they became dirty or bloodstained. If the local communtiy new him to be a doctor if he was seen with blood on him suspicion would be lessened.
Tumblety fled England on the 24th of November. the murders "coincidentally" ended once e had left. When police found out he had left the country a detective from Scotland yard was sent to follow him to America.
All of the Ripper victims were female prostitutes. Francis Tumblety had unknowingly married a prostitute but found out after he spotted her having a moment with a client. he was also known to hate women. Perhaps this caused him to kill these women. Was it some kind of revenge for his wife, or just trying to rid the world of women deemed unworthy.
In 1888 Queen Victoria was reigning, the industrial revolution had caused a mass exodus from the country to the overcrowding cities and the poorest of the poor were housed in the east end of London. For some women prostitution was he only way to get the money they needed to pay for a bed for the night. Police turned a blind eye to the trade these women were desperate to pay for a bed. The city was crowded and the burning of coal and sewage on the streets caused the air to be thick and seedy.
31 August 1888 At 3.40am the body of Mary Nichols was discovered in Bucks Row.
8 September 1888 Annie Chapman, Jack the Ripper’s second victim is murdered at between 5.30am and 6am.
27 September 1888 A letter is received at the Central News Agency. It is signed JACK THE RIPPER.
30 September 1888. A double event in with two women killed within an hour. At 1am Elizabeth Stride’s body is found and at 1:45am Catharine Eddowes is found dead in Mitre Square in the City of London. with Eddowes body being found in the city of London now two police forces are on the case.
6th October1888. The Central News Agency are sent a second letter from jack the ripper.
16 October 1888 .the president of the Whitechappel vigilance committee receives a letter and half a human kidney sad to be from Eddowes body.
9th November 1888. Mary Kelly an Irish girl is murdered in Dorset Street Spitalfields.
The end of the horrific murders accepted to be committed by JtR, although there are suggested to be more.
References jack the ripper pages
Portfolios of evidence used in class.
Jacob Brown
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